Sunday, September 26, 2010

Big sister

So on September 20th, we found out that we were pregnant. Very unexpected! We are excited, but very nervous. I did not have a very good pregnancy or delivery with Krystn. The doctors told me that I would probably never be able to carry a baby full term again. Anyways, we were in and out of doctor offices all week, and we will be sent to a severely high risk pregnancy group at Fresno Community Hospital. I guess it is a whole group of doctors to help us through this.

So we told Krystn yesterday morning. She cried and goes, "I have always wanted a brother or sister!" It was awsome. She is so excited! She said that she is gonna teach him how to color. Everyone thinks it is a boy, including me. If it is a girl, that is ok to, she will be name after my grandmother.

Anyways, so good news! I just hope everything goes good.

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