The blog is a outlet for one mother who is taking care of a wonderful daughter. She has Pervasive Developmental Delay - Not Otherwise Specified ( PDD-NOS ), ADHD, and short term memory loss. She is 11 and functions at a 5-6 year old level educationally and 6-7 year level socially. "The people who mind don't matter, the people who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Suess
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fridays are awsome
I woke up this morning with more energy and happiness then i have had in awhile. My chick is so happy she gets to have McDonald's at school for lunch today, because all the kids turned in thier begining of school paperwork. It is almost like she has never had McDonald's before!!
Funny. So she has like 6-8 Webkinz. Yes I have some to (but not telling you how many) and so does Tom...but she plays them for him. So this morning I went to feed her webkinz, because if I didn't they wouldn't make it! lol I guess she called grandma (who lives about 900 miles away) at midnight the other night crying cause she woke up, and wanted to feed her webkinz and couldn't get online. Thank you Webkinz for shutting your site down in the middle of the night! My mom told her that it was fine and to go back to bed. She did and told me in the morning to feed her "dumas" cause they are ALL named Duma....HA HA *side note: Duma is a movie with a cheetah in it.*
This morning she was in the shower and was telling me about her dream. She asked me what I dreamed about and I told her I forgot. She thought about it for a minute and goes, "You have short term memory loss to!" It was funny as hell! I chuckled and said no, and explained sometimes you remember and sometimes you don't.
She has bugged me to go swimming every day after school. I haven't been able to take her because of all the other running around that I have had to do this week. I think I will suprise her this afternoon with a swimming session, hopefully unprompted. Maybe she will be so excited about McDonald's she will forgot to pester me...but I doubt that. It is nice that she loves swimming so much. Just wish we could do it year around.
So not alot has happened the last couple of days. I am bringing a cake to her class this afternoon because her birthday was last saturday. Hopefully no one is allergic to anything!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Getting back into the morning groove
So this morning was alittle better then most school mornings. There was only two melt downs between 6:45am and 7:15am. Since I run my own company, and am starting to work for another company out of the house, sometimes I work very late and like to sleep in. Well last night was a late night, went to bed around 2am, and decided to sleep in. Tom woke me up at 6:30am because he forgot to set the alarm and our daughter was very upset because she wanted to wear her Renaissance skirt and shirt, and she knows she is not allowed to. All her cloths haven't been folded since I washed them all the day before. So Tom was going through the laundry and getting frustrated because he "doesn't know how to dress a girl!" I just have to stop here and giggle to myself. Believe me, he doesn't!! Hee hee. That is a story for a later date....all the outfits Tom has let her go to school in *shaking head*. Atleast he wakes me up now! HA
Anyways, I drag outta bed and I have a very upset daughter and a frustrated Tom. All I say is let me start the coffee. I go turn on the pot, and go get her cloths. She wanted to wear a short, short pair of shorts (only for swimming and inside the house), and I said no. So I get her a pair of jeans. Now the jeans are perfectly fine, the bottoms have some frey and maybe 3 TINY holes from her walking on them. Well it was enough to have her get upset. She stated how she is going to get sent home from school because there are "holes in my pants" and that the world was going to end. Now usually I would interrupt her, get frustrated at her because she is being unrealistic and maybe even yell. This morning I just let her get it all out. Then I calmly explained that that wasn't going to happen, she wasn't going to get sent home, and it was better then having her butt cheeks hangin out (which they don't in the short shorts, but it made light of the drama). That made her laugh and life went on with the pants.
I am reading a book called "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff" by Richard Carlson. The chapter I just got done reading was to not interrupt others or finish their sentences. He made a huge point. He talks about how hard it is to do that because not only are you thinking about what you are going to say, you have to be one step ahead of the other person to think about what they are going to say then come back with what you are going to say. How exhausting! Take a step back and let them say whatever they want and then you talk. Not only are you allowing them to validate how they feel and what they think, and allow them to think for themselves, you are giving that person a sense of self worth. I am horrible at this habit. So I am currently working on it now. I know this morning it worked with her, and in the future I hope it does to. Plus the situation didn't escalate any further, which some mornings it has.
So the other explosion was about a water bottle that was brand new. She filled it up monday and left it on it's side and it leaked everywhere. So I told her to take a V-8 on Monday and we would get her a new one when we went to the store next time. Well this morning she wanted to take it to school. I was trying to explain she couldn't and she kept cutting me off. Now she has a very hard time putting sentences together, so for her to explain anything it takes 20 I took a deep breath and shut my mouth. She said it worked and was trying to explain that she didn't screw it on tight enough and she wanted to show me that by filling it up and turning it upside down. Now obviously I didn't want to have water everywhere and said no, but she was trying to explain it was because "the screwy thing didn't go right mom". So if you know ju-ju bean talk you would understand that. But if you woke up 20 minutes ago with no hot coffee, a frustrated man, and upset daughter, no lunches made and a dog ready to eat the would see why I didn't want her to "show me." But I gave in. Sure as anything, she filled it up and turned it upside down. And you know what? It was fine. See, that is because I trusted what she was saying and I took the time to listen.
So the two lessons I learned.
1. Have her cloths laid out and lunch made the night before.
2. Shut up and listen. Do not interrupt and finish her sentences.
My Daughter, My Life
My daughter just turned 10 years old. It is hard to believe that 10 years ago I was just starting down the road I am on now. She is in 4th grade and enjoys swimming and her animals (cats and dog). Her favorite things are Ariel and High School Musical. She would rather read books (let me rephrase this, look at books and make up stories sometimes) then go play with barbies. She loves movies, and can pull many things out of a movie that I never paid attention long enough too. Her hero is my boyfriend, who has been the only father in her life for 6 years. She thinks he walks on water, with her grandma next to him, of course.
My daughter has ADHD and a Developmental Delay of half her life. She also has no short term memory. If you look at her, she looks like any other child. You would not even think that she has any problems, unless you spend more then 10 minutes with her. Some people have gotten upset or irritated with her because she cannot remember things, names, places. She also is socially behind all the other kids her age. Other children her age have a hard time accepting her, because she looks fine, but mentally she is scattered. People have their feelings hurt, because she cannot remember names. She can tell time, but she doesn't understand that if it is 7:13, in 2 minutes it will be 7:15. Believe me, bed time is a whole nother monster!
I am scared to take her to doctors, because I do not want them to push pills down her throat. Most of the time, this is what happens. She is a beautiful little girl, who deserves more then anything that this world could give her. She is so compassionate and patient with others. She loves to tell everyone what to do and how to do it.
This blog is here to see if there are others out there. I know I am not the only one who is dealing with this. I am looking forward to make posts of good and bad times with her. Please stay with us through this.
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