Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Daughter, My Life

My daughter just turned 10 years old. It is hard to believe that 10 years ago I was just starting down the road I am on now. She is in 4th grade and enjoys swimming and her animals (cats and dog). Her favorite things are Ariel and High School Musical. She would rather read books (let me rephrase this, look at books and make up stories sometimes) then go play with barbies. She loves movies, and can pull many things out of a movie that I never paid attention long enough too. Her hero is my boyfriend, who has been the only father in her life for 6 years. She thinks he walks on water, with her grandma next to him, of course. My daughter has ADHD and a Developmental Delay of half her life. She also has no short term memory. If you look at her, she looks like any other child. You would not even think that she has any problems, unless you spend more then 10 minutes with her. Some people have gotten upset or irritated with her because she cannot remember things, names, places. She also is socially behind all the other kids her age. Other children her age have a hard time accepting her, because she looks fine, but mentally she is scattered. People have their feelings hurt, because she cannot remember names. She can tell time, but she doesn't understand that if it is 7:13, in 2 minutes it will be 7:15. Believe me, bed time is a whole nother monster! I am scared to take her to doctors, because I do not want them to push pills down her throat. Most of the time, this is what happens. She is a beautiful little girl, who deserves more then anything that this world could give her. She is so compassionate and patient with others. She loves to tell everyone what to do and how to do it. This blog is here to see if there are others out there. I know I am not the only one who is dealing with this. I am looking forward to make posts of good and bad times with her. Please stay with us through this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Sister!
    Your baby is a lucky chicklett to have a mommy who cares, comforts, and advocates for her. I believe the possibilities for her recovery are endless. There are many paths you can follow until you find what can work for her. I believe she will be better and THAT is THAT! May your day be merry and bright, and know you have a new friend out here wishing white light and healing to you and yours.
