Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Braiding hair

Krystn has never been big on me touching her hair. She even has her dad brush her hair if it is really tangled. She says I hurt her...but I say that I take after my Aunt Vickie. She use to line us girls up (there was 5 of us, 3 years apart) and do all of our hair, and if you cried or pulled away she would wack you with the brush and tell you to hold still. With all of us kids (13 with all cousins and siblings) it took way to long to get us all ready. So when Krystn was little, I knew she hated it. So I learned to do her hair really quick and tight so it would not fall out. When she turn around 6 is when she didn't want me to braid or doll it up anymore. So tonight we are just putt putting around the house and I asked her if I could do her hair. It has been a good 3 years since doing anything with her hair. It took convincing that she could take it out if she didn't like it, and 35 minutes after negotiating this is what the result was: It took about 3 minutes. She liked it for about 5, and then took it out. but this face is what I was going for! Oh, and that is the cat feather toy stick in her hand. She had to show that in the picture.

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