I can not believe my little girl is 11 years old today! I just keep thinking about how she was when she was a little tike. See, with Krystn her birthday starts about two months before her actual birthday. Then beginning of summer she usually starts in on "On my birthday" or "I want this for my birthday" and drive us crazy! This year she picked having a party over a new Nintendo DS, she calls it a "entendo DS". So next weekend we are having a birthday party for her.
So all of her presents were ordered online this year and came in boxes. So she had a stack of boxes and was very excited! She was so happy pulling the bubble wrap out and popping it she forgot to pull one of her presents out of the box. Seeing how she reacts with boxes and bubble wrap, I will never use wrapping paper again! She has always gotten frustrated with the mess of wrapping paper, or she loves the color or whatever and doesn't want to rip it. Then she gets irritated and frustrated and yelling could insue. So instead of all of that, boxes and bubble wrap all the way.
Now off to make she breakfast and get ready for the day!
Enjoy the years while she is young because they go by so fast. Before you know it, she will be an adult and ready to make a few decisions on her own.